This narrative based game is set in the world of The School Year games.
There are 102 passages styled with CSS in this game.
Googlism was used to generate the class names on the portal page and the announcement page.
The girl the main character meets in the library is the autobiographical character.
Crowdsourcing was used to show the reactions of the students in the groupchat this autobiographical character shows the main character.
I texted my friends what this story was and asked them how they would react in that situation.
Travesty generator and n+7 was used for making the text inside of the book the autobiographical character finds. was used when the character starts understanding the underlying secret of the flower. was used to generate the text Janice discovers from the library.
Anagram generator was used to make the name of the night blooming flower.
5 Oblique Strategies cards were used. The first one was “Remember those quiet evenings.”
I used this to create a storyline where Tom and James goes out and finds the flowerbed.
Next card was “From nothing to more than nothing.”
Initially the character does not understand what is going on, but the character finds out the secret behind the flowers.
“Use of an old idea” made me make the characters go to the library and do research.
“State the problem in words as clearly as possible” card inspired me to finish the game/narrative using a questionnaire.
How the game ends depends on how well the user chooses what will be stated on the email.
Lastly, “disconnect from the desire” card was the reason why I did not emphasize too much on what the characters did for the school at the end.
The characters save the school at the end of the day, but they do it for the school not for themselves.